We are delighted to confirm that we reached our Tree fundraising campaign target of £100,000 in June 2019. The funds will power research into blood cancer
treatments. Funding has covered the cost of equipment required for the development of a ground-braking leukaemia vaccine and other lifesaving and life
improving blood cancer treatments at King’s College Hospital in London (King’s).
LIBRA is King’s official Haematology Charity and is the only charity in the world to solely support the world-renowned department. Professor Ghulam Mufti
OBE, Head of the Haematology Department at King’s, provided LIBRA Trustees with a wish list of equipment required for the new clinical studies.
Lions Clubs, King’s patients and their families, along with the public, helped us to reach this substantial target and we are most grateful!
The research equipment purchased will be used in a range of in-depth clinical studies as professors work to develop the new leukaemia vaccine for adult
The equipment funded by LIBRA will have a critical impact on our research efforts at King’s.”
Professor Ghulam Mufti
As part of new clinical studies, King’s Haematology team is in collaboration with Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and University College London Hospitals
(UCL). New treatment strategies developed at King’s for adult patients are likely to help leukaemia and lymphoma patients, both adults and children,
everywhere, including centres such as GOSH and UCL. Therefore, Research work at King’s, supported by LIBRA, will benefit adults and children with blood
The value of support provided by LIBRA goes way beyond its monetary value, because of its ability to target specific needs in our research efforts.